The Kimia Farma MSME Funding program aims to give easy access to funding for MSME as well as fostering in order to enhance growth and develop each enterprise of Kimia Farma's partner to become the next level MSME. Other than in the form of funding, Kimia Farma fostered enterprises are also given assistance in the form of SME business incubation, MSME class, monitoring and evaluation. The featured program of Kimia Farma's MSME development program include UMKM Academy, Kelas UMKM (MSME Class), and National/International exhibition.

UMKM Academy

MSME empowerment program through the enhancement of competence and competitiveness to grow in critical condition. The program is in the form of intensive business acceleration, business assistance in the form of an incubation system for more than 3 months, with assistance done by expert mentors in their fields.

The benefits that will be obtained by participating in the program:

- Receive finance, digital marketing, branding strategy, and other materials.
- Incubation assistance from industrial experts in their fields.
- Certification and business legality management.


MSME Class

To provide and understanding on business management and supply chain, through 12 supply chain modules and intensive assistance done through Focus Group Discussion (FGD) between fostered partners and coaching with experts in their fields.

The curriculum provided with different case studies that are relevant to enhance business management. The participants of the training will be guided to understand the importance to manage their business. The main material in the training session module is connected with business supply chain management, digital literation, and market access.


Participating Kimia Farma's fostered MSME in exhibition, as a part of Kimia Farma's attention on economic growth to make the next level MSME. This is in line with SDGs goal number 8 that is to promote sustained, inclusive and sustainable economic growth. Kimia Farma has participated its fostered SME in national and international exhibitions in numerous sectors. The exhibition include ADIWASTRA 2022 (fashion), INACRAFT 2022 (craft), ADIRASA 2022 (food and beverage), WARISAN 2022 (fashion and craft).